Saturday, October 26, 2013

THE Greatest Programmer?'

Linus Torvalds is a Finnish American born in Helsinki, Finland, on December 28th, 1969. He is the son of journalist Anna and Nile Torvalds. Linus is a software engineer who has played a major role in the development of the Linux kernel. He attended the University of Helsinki between 1988 and 1996, graduating with a master’s degree in computer science from NODES research group. His academic career was put to a halt after his first year of study when he joined the Finnish Army in order to fulfill the mandatory military service required by Finland. Torvald held the title of second lieutenant, with the role of a ballistic calculation officer. When he resumed his studies in 1990 he was exposed to UNIX, in the form of a DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) MicroVAX running ULTRIX, DEC’s native UNIX system. Torvald then accepted a position at a company named Transmeta in 1996. Torvald has been a programmer for over 30 years.

Linux is a free, open source Unix-based operating system, created by Liuns Torvalds in 1991. It is a leading operating systems on servers and big iron systems like mainframes computers and super computers. It is also used on many other devices such as PC’s and Smartphone’s. Sense it is free, it is open for public use, modification, and distribution. People use Linux without even noticing that they are using it, like when going on Google, Twitter, or even Facebook. All kinds of people use Linux for personal, business purposes, or even retail companies, they all use Linux operating system.     


  1. Good post, it was very informative and i learned a lot from it. I didn't know he was in the army and that he was second lieutenant. I liked how you said it is free and opened for the public, I also like how you mentioned it is opened for modification and distribution. I also like how you informed that people use linux everyday without even noticing it. Great post, good job.

    1. Thank you brandon for your comment, I really appreciated it. The information I found was actually very easy to find. It amazes me how easy it is to get, use, and even modify Linux. Before beginning my research I had never even heard of Linux or Linus. I was shocked when i found the information about Linus being apart of the amry in Finland too. I would like to say you also had a very good post, a lot of similar information. Again thank you for your comment.

  2. Torvalds started computer programming three decades ago when Facebook, Google and Twitter weren't even developed yet. The development of Linux is essential for those applications even though it runs in the background, meaning people don't really realize they are using Linux. In programs such as these, Torvalds can be considered an "unsung hero" because his program is silent, yet essential. You have to wonder if he knew back in 1991 the importance his development of the Linux program would be in PC's and Smartphones today, twenty years later. That is forward thinking that maybe he did not realize then.

    1. Thank you jared for your comment. I also said the same exact thing to mysself when I founf this information. It's crazy how popular other networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, and other operating systems like Windows, Mac's OS X, and Chrome, use this technology created by Linus and gets little to no credit by the public. A unsung hero indeed, he's like the batman of computers. Again thank you for the comment jared, I also enjoyed your post, very well done.

  3. One thing i found interesting when i read through a few websites was that Linux had gotten a big boost in the late 1990's when competitors of Microsoft began taking it seriously. Oracle, Intel, Netscape, Corel and others announced plans to support Linux as an inexpensive alternative to Microsoft Windows. Soon after some major corporations soon realized the potential of Linux, and they quickly adopted it for their Internet servers and networks. This would have been nice to add in as how Linux managed to stay in the game against stronger businesses like Microsoft.

    1. Thank you for your comment Joshua, I really appreciate it. That is some really valuable information you found and would have been great for me to know, would've made my blog a lot better. I had no idea how many companies jumped on board with Linux and helped it out. I wonder if Intel, Netscape, Corel, etc. never supported Linux would it be used so often today? Who knows, but thank you so much for the info it was very helpful. Again thank you Josh for your comment, I read your post and I think you did a nice job, good info

  4. Great way of summarizing the article. You found things different than I did. You had a nice way of flowing everything with it still making sense. I was nice to read a different point of view than how I understood the article. I too did some research on Linux aside from the information given in the article. Ilearned that Linux is not actually the OS, it is the kernel.

    1. Thank you Dijae for your comment, I really appreciate it. I also found the information about Linux, being the kernal, I thought I put that in the post. I read your post after posting my own and It seem liked we found pretty much the same information. Your point of view was just as good, if not better. Of course it was structured very well, I expected nothing less from you. Again thank you for comment.

  5. Yes Linux has gained popularity over the years and is currently free and the most used Operating system competing with windows and MAC OS, and the fact that many companies use it in their mainframes it shows that it competes with other OS

    1. Thank you Jaskirat for your comment, I really appreciate it. Linux has indeed gained some popularity over the many years, I feel as if it has not got what it deserves though. According to the information Linux is a essential for a lot of technology we use today. Something so important should be talked about more, do you agree? I don't ever recall seeing a Linux commercial on my TV, or on any website I've been on.

  6. Good post very informative, I wasn't able to find that much information on his mother, so I'm glad u put her in there. Something i found browsing the web was this all started as a hobby for him and turned into something big. I would have liked it if he stuck with the name he came up with not kernel but you know. Linux is up there and one of the most widely used operating system but ill always be a windows guy!

  7. Thank you for a very interesting post to read! I enjoyed reading this and i thought that you set it up very well, compared to me at least. There is no shortage of information in this blog and I believe that you fully comprehended and thought out this assignment. It was also nice to read about the customization that Linux brings to the table.You did a very good job at summarizing the article and you had a lot of information that I was not aware of. For eample the fact that he was in the army blew my mind.

  8. I don't understand why you included that third hyperlink/URL.I feel it has no connection to your blog entry.
