Monday, October 28, 2013

5 Drawbacks

Being that I'm a newbie to using a actual blog like this, I will say that I'm not that impressed. Though there are many positive ways of using a blog, if your going from other websites to a blog, you might feel the same way. Using a blog you are free to say whatever you want, speak your mind the way you want to and talk about whatever you want to, but then again you can do that on any other social network website and it goes A LOT quicker tan it does using a blog. Over that last few days of using my blog I have found a few drawbacks of using a actual blog compared to social  network websites such as Twitter and Facebook.

Drawback 1 - Time
Using a blog you are required to check it and update it regularly. But as long as it take to just make a good post, why bother? Why not just get on Facebook or Twitter? Blogging takes too much time.

Drawback 2 - People
People don't always have interesting topics to blog about, most of your followers of people in your circle post nothing but nonsense.

Drawback 3 - Feedback
Most people who blog look for some positive reinforcement on there views about whatever there are blogging about. But what about when some people are not o positive and give you nothing but negative criticism? Some people would take it very offensive and might not be able to take the negative criticism like they should.

Drawback 4 - Making sure you're not a robot
Why is it that EVERY time you try to make a comment on a blog the "We have to make sure your not a robot" code box pops up!? The first few times it's okay, but EVERY single time is too much and gets annoy really fast. This makes a user lose interest very quickly.

Drawback 5 - Your message
When someone blogs they're blogging about something that they're interested or passionate about, something that's on their mind, but sometimes what they're interested in nobody else is, and if they are they don't always have a way of showing it other than comments. I would think that some people, cause people are lazy, wouldn't take the time to comment, so how will i know if anyone is understanding my message?

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